Sunday, July 12, 2015

Minions Movie Review by Ryan A. Loera


I was never a fan of the Despicable Me movies but I've always liked the Minions. They are just too hilarious to ignore.

The movie begins with their prehistoric origins. By which I mean it shows them evolve from single celled organisms into their current yellow physical form.

As it turns out, they served under some of the most infamous bad guys throughout history. This is primarily a kids movie but it's good to see they at least tried to teach today's kids a little something about history.

There are also plenty of funny scenes to keep everyone laughing and entertained. Minions is a prequel so the ending isn't really surprising. All and all, it's a good family friendly movie.

On a scale of 1 tamale to 10 tamales I give Minions 7 tamales.

Don't forget to follow me on Twitter! My twitter handle is @buddhkist

1 comment:

  1. Ryan. Love the review. You did not give away the movie you wrote this short and sweat and made me want to watch it. Thank again for this and all of the movie reviews you post. From Kenya, Africa. Luis
