Tuesday, June 16, 2015

About Last Night Movie Review by Ryan A. Loera

Kevin Hart - Bernie Litgo
Michael Ealy - Danny Martin
Regina Hall - Joan
Joy Bryant - Debbie Sullivan

Director: Steve Pink
Release Date: February 14, 2014
Genre: Comedy/Drama
Rated R

About Last Night is loosely based on a 1986 movie with the same title. In fact, it's so loosely based that it's an entirely different story.

Bernie Litgo  (Kevin Hart) hooks up with Joan (Regina Hall) upon meeting her at a bar. After a night of raucous sex, Bernie brags about it the next night to his friend Danny Martin (Michael Ealy).

Joan (Regina Hall) also talks about it with her friend Debbie Sullivan  (Joy Bryant).

Bernie and Joan then get the bright idea of introducing Danny and Debbie to each other. With the hope that they'll hit it off. Which they do for a while but then ultimately just end up causing each other needless stress.

Personally, I was less interested in Danny and Debbie's relationship and more interested in Bernie and Joan's relationship. But not for its romantic quality, for its comedic quality. Kevin Hart and Regina Hall make a great comedy duo. Their back and forth joking never seemed forced or belabored. I'd like to see more of that from them in future movies.

The rest of the story I found to be hastily written and carelessly stitched together. Maybe huge chunks of it were edited out to keep the running time under two hours. I don't know for certain but that's what it seems like.

I suppose it's an okay movie to watch when there's really nothing else to watch.

On a scale of 1 tamale to 10 tamales I give About Last Night 4.5 tamales.

Don't forget to follow me on Twitter! My twitter handle is @buddhkist


  1. Nice review. I kind of enjoyed this movie but I agree that it was lacking something.

  2. I haven't seen this movie but it looks somewhat interesting. I am a sucker for relationship movies.

  3. About time someone wrote an honest review of this movie. It's a real cluster f***. Keep on writing honest reviews, man! :-)
