Saturday, June 20, 2015

Avengers Age of Ultron Movie Review by Ryan A. Loera

Robert Downey Jr. - Tony Stark/Iron Man
Chris Hemsworth - Thor
Mark Ruffalo - Bruce Banner/Hulk
Chris Evans - Captain America
Scarlett Johansson - Black Widow
Jeremy Renner - Hawkeye
James Spader - Ultron
Aaron Taylor-Johnson - Quicksilver
Elizabeth Olsen - Scarlet Witch
Paul Bettany - Jarvis
Director: Joss Whedon
Release Date: May 1, 2015
Genre: Sci-fi/Action
Rated PG-13
This movie is way better than the first one. It follows a much more elaborate storyline and contains double the amount of action.
The very first scene is so action packed that I almost dropped my bag of over priced popcorn!
In Avengers: Age of Ultron the Avengers do battle with an artificial intelligence that goes by the name Ultron. Ultron was originally designed to be a peace keeping program but was decommissioned before being implemented by any branch of military.
Tony Stark then gets his hands on the Ultron program and with the aid of Bruce Banner decides to reactivate it. Of course, this just opens up a huge can of worms.
Upon being reactivated, Ultron scans all the information available on the internet. He quickly comes to the conclusion that the only way to ensure mankind's safety is by initiating an extinction event of global proportions.
The Avengers are then called into action and all the typical super hero type stuff begins.
One scene I really liked is when Hulk becomes so confused and enraged that he begins destroying everything and everyone in sight. Luckily, Iron Man intervenes but it takes him several attempts before finally getting Hulk under control. The entire scene is pure CGI awesomeness!
Some of the scenes in between the action scenes don't do much to help the story along. But they ultimately segue back into more action scenes.
I also thoroughly enjoyed their final showdown with Ultron. So many things were going on with each character at once. It made me feel like I was watching a comic book come to life. I know that's what these Marvel movies should invoke but this was the first one that did it for me.
I believe all future Marvel movies should adhere to the same format. It would at least get more diehard fans aboard the Marvel movie franchise experience.
On a scale of 1 tamale to 10 tamales I give Avengers: Age of Ultron 8 delicious tamales!
Don't forget to follow me on Twitter! My twitter handle is @buddhkist


  1. Definitely better than the first one! I actually did drop my popcorn.

  2. Avengers are da bomb! Scarlett Johansson is smokin' hot! Good review.

  3. Nice review. My kids enjoyed this movie more than I did.
